Card Making · Moving Along With The Times

Walter the Skating Penguin + Using Pigment Ink On Kraft Card

Hello! Today, we have a new challenge starting over at Moving Along With The Times which is very appropriate for the time of year. This fortnights theme is “Anything Goes With Christmas” and will end on the 4th December so make sure to get your entries in before then if you would like to take part. We… Continue reading Walter the Skating Penguin + Using Pigment Ink On Kraft Card

Card Making · Video

Video: Adding Subtle Glitter + Tips for Using an Intricate Stencil

Today, I have another video for you! Whenever I thought about using glitter, I always thought of the cards where there is a lot and, as a person who isn’t very “into” glitter, I kind of steered clear. However, after watching a video about using glitter on cards from Julia Altermann about a month ago, I realised that glitter, in the right place and amount, could look quite subtle and pretty.

Adding Subtle Glitter + Tips for Using an Intricate Stencil

I’ve also learned that by using glossy accents to adhere the glitter, it grabs onto the glitter and once the excess is brushed away, the rest doesn’t budge as glossy accents is such a strong glue. And, because it dries 3D, along with the glitter, it helps add a little dimension to the card.

I’ll be entering this card into the following challenges: Addicted To Stamps “CAS“, Sasayaki Glitter “CAS“, Marvelous Magnolia “Flowers“, and Aurora Wings Challenge “Tic-Tac-Toe” [Thread, Yarn or String – Flowers – Sentiment].

Adding Subtle Glitter + Tips for Using an Intricate Stencil

Thanks for reading and I hope you’ll enjoy the video 🙂

Emma x

ATC · Card Making

Using a Hole Punch to make a Stencil

Hello! Back again with another challenge entry, for the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge this time, which, has the theme of “Let’s Do The Polka”. I really enjoyed making the ATC for the Simon Says Stamp’s Monday Challenge so decided I would make another using the third largest tag die from My Favourite Things, just using… Continue reading Using a Hole Punch to make a Stencil