ATC · Card Making

Creating a Stencil with Dies


This weeks Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge seems very apt, “April Showers Bring May Flowers”, as since Tuesday, it has been rained a lot where I live in England. Last year, I made quite a few ATC (Artists Trading Cards), though, I never traded them! However, this quote reminded me of them and I thought I would try making one again. To me, “April showers bring May flowers” seems like a quote with meaning  – you’ve got to put up with the rain to gain the flowers.

Spellbinders Bluebell Die (1)

I started die cutting the fourth smallest My Favourite Things Rectangle from hot pressed watercolour paper, then splattered the page with Daler-Rowney masking fluid. When that had dried, I dropped watercolour onto the page [Cobalt Blue, Turquoise Blue, Indanthrene Blue, Violet, Emerald Green, Yellow-Green]. After waiting (again!) for the paint to dry, I peeled away the masking fluid.

TIP: You can tell if the paint is really dry by feeling the page, if the page is cold to touch… its not dry.

Spellbinders Bluebell Die (3)

I made the stencil with acetate and the Spellbinders Bluebell die, I ran them both through the die cutting machine. I used the Tim Holtz Mini Ink Blending Tool along with these ink, in this order: Hero Arts Lemon Yellow, Hero Arts Lime Green, Mama Elephant Pacific Blue, HobbyCraft Christmas Red, and a little Mama Elephant Blush. I also used these colours around the edge in the same order. For the message, I typed “April showers bring May flowers” on the computer, found and old “distressed” background and printed it off. I brushed black in against the edges of each section of the quote before gluing it down. In the white spaces where the masking fluid had been, I added glossy accents to give the raindrops a bit of “shine”.

Spellbinders Bluebell Die (2)

It has been really nice making an ATC again, and using the products I got for card making, to create it.

Thanks for visiting and I hope to see you again soon,

Emma x

7 thoughts on “Creating a Stencil with Dies

  1. Such a pretty card and I love the delicate, soft colour palette you’ve used ~ really lovely! Thank you so much for sharing and for playing along with us over on the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog… 🙂


  2. Hello Emma
    This is a fabulous idea ..with the hole punch….how clever are you …Wendy has just informed us you are joining the MAWTT Challenge as a DT,,,FABULOUS…i have only just joined….can you put google follows buttton..{ I KNOW YOU HAVE THE ONE TO FOLLOW BY EMAIL}….then you will have more people looking at your Blog…
    Hugs Sylvie x


    1. Thank you. Sylvie. I will have to now deflate my head after that compliment 😉 I’ve had a look but I don’t think wordpress supports google follows (grhh!) however, I could put a link to my google+ page then people could follow me on there… what do you think?
      Thank you for the support, I’m really excited about joining MAWTT 😀
      Emma x


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